3 Signs of Distracted Driving
A key reason for rising auto insurance claims has to do with distracted driving. By definition, this is any driver who is not paying attention to the road. Many people assume this relates to cell phones. That is one component of it.
However, many other distractions can occur. As a driver, it is up to you to monitor your actions and road conditions constantly. Anything that takes your eyes or focus away from the road is a risk. Here are three signs you may have some distractions.
- You don’t remember driving a certain portion of the roadway.
How can this be possible? Muscle memory develops when we do the same things every day. The brain understands those tasks and performs them in the same way. While your brain is helping you to remember the route to take, if you don’t remember going through an intersection, for example, it could mean distraction is occurring. Of course, you remember what the intersection looks like. But, do you remember stopping at the light? Which cars were next to you? What happened during the two seconds you waited before moving forward?
- You are holding an in-depth conversation.
Conversations in the car are okay. Keep them light and easy, though. If you are fighting with someone, for example, your energy and focus is on that disagreement. It is not on the road.
If you are passionate about a topic, hold off on it until you reach your destination. Even though you can carry on a conversation while driving, this level of intensity puts you at risk of getting in an accident.
- You engage in higher risk activities behind the wheel.
Did you apply makeup while behind the wheel? Maybe you turned on the phone to take a selfie at the intersection. You sent a response to an email while stopped. You dealt with frustration trying to get a voice app to work.
These are all signs of distraction. It is true that mobile phones are high risks. Many times, car insurance claims related to drivers using their phone while driving. In other cases, the risks are more commonplace activities. If your focus is not on the road, you could be at risk. You could be putting your family at risk as well. Avoid this whenever possible to protect yourself. Contact us for a Santa Ana auto insurance quote at (866) 883-9357.